Baxter Blog (and Murphy, too!)

A blog about my cats, Baxter and Murphy, or anything else I feel like discussing.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Smitten for my kitten

I'm having a love affair--with my cat. I don't know what it is lately, but Baxter can do no wrong. My usually aloof, grouchy cat has been lovely lately. Following me from room to room, snuggling on the bed at night, looking oh-so cute with everything he does. And in return, he's getting extra petting, extra snuggles, extra snacks... I can't get enough of him. I even caught him scratching the couch this morning and my first thought was, "oh, how cute" (followed by a spritz of water, of course). I've fallen under his cute kitty spell.

Murphy, on the other hand, has been somewhat annoying lately. He keeps moving things in the kitchen--particularly the water bowl, which then spills everywhere and forces me to wipe up the floor several times a day. And he has a new hiding place behind the entertainment center. My entertainment center is on a diagonal in a corner, but has a flat back, meaning there's a small triangular space behind it, which is filled with cords and dust. Murphy has started jumping up next to the tv--a space maybe 4 inches wide--worming his way behind the tv and jumping through the hole in the back of the entertainment center that is meant for cords. He then hangs out on the floor, with the dust and cords. This worries me for several reasons, most of all the fact that: Cat + Electricity usually = Bad. I've now blocked the space next to the tv so hopefully this will keep him from jumping back there again.

And then I go back to loving Baxter, who would never dream of doing something so silly or dangerous. He's a cautious cat, a deliberate cat, who realizes that it's way more comfortable to lie on the bed, rather than in a dark dusty corner filled with electric cords. It all goes back to Smart vs. Stoopid, really.


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