Baxter Blog (and Murphy, too!)

A blog about my cats, Baxter and Murphy, or anything else I feel like discussing.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The most wonderful time of the year

Since Baxter has yet to take over the world and all is calm in kittyland, I thought I'd divert from cat-talk today in order to reflect on my favoritest of seasons, Fall.

Fall is here, and oh, how I love the Fall. Let me count the ways.
1. The crisp-ness in the air
2. Sleeping under the comforter
3. Fresh air instead of air conditioning
4. Pumpkins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and Starbucks pumpkin-spice lattes
5. Apples, picking apples, and apple pie
6. Fall television (whoo-hoo!!!)
7. Wearing sweaters but no jacket
8. Jumping in piles of leaves (This cannot be done in NYC, so someone must jump in a pile for me)

Feel free to add your own. Hurrah for fall!


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