Baxter Blog (and Murphy, too!)

A blog about my cats, Baxter and Murphy, or anything else I feel like discussing.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Cat Grass...I don't get it

Feeling rather uninspired to write lately, probably due to homework stress (blech). So I'll quickly tell the story of Cat Grass.

For those who haven't heard of it, you can buy little grass plants that are safe for cats to eat, the idea being that it deters them from eating your plants, which is dangerous for them and annoying/destructive for you. I don't keep any real plants in my house (though "stoopid" Murphy tries to eat the one fake plant I have), but I thought it would be fun to give them the grass when I came across it at an outdoor market last week, on sale for $2.

When I brought it home, there was definite curiosity and sniffing. Murphy then tried to eat some, only to find that it was hard to break off a piece of grass without dragging the whole plant behind him across the kitchen floor. So I let them be with the grass and figured I'd come back later to see if they'd figured it out. But the next time I walked by my kitchen the floor was scattered with little pieces of grass. I cleaned them up quickly and stood the little plant back upright, hoping this was a one time thing.

Then yesterday, I left the house for a few hours and came home to a small wet pile of what I can only guess was regurgitated cat grass. Sigh. So that's it for Cat Grass & me. I don't get the appeal. Sorry, kitties.


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