Just fulfilling the stereotype
I now realize why "crazy cat ladies" are stereotypically also knitters. It's because once you get tired of the scarves, and the hats, and trying to do more complicated projects that never really look right, there comes a point when, flipping through the knitting book you bought years ago, you discover you can KNIT THINGS FOR YOUR CATS.
Oh, yes. It started small--I found a pattern online for knit mice filled with catnip.

While this little critter might not look too impressive, it's a true hit in this household. I've even given them as gifts for friends with cats, and every cat so far has loved his very own knit mouse.
So it was that tonight I found myself flipping through another knitting book, and discovering a pattern for a dangly, fringy cat toy. Now, anyone who doesn't knit may not realize how time-consuming and patience-requiring this craft really is. I remember one of the first things my knitting book taught me was never to knit anything for people who don't knit themselves, because they'll never understand how much work you put into it. I don't know that I agree with that theory completely, but the kitties definitely prove this to be true.
Between the initial knitting, sewing in the ends, teaching myself how to create fringe, making the fringe, and creating the dangly cord, this project took about two hours to construct.

Of course the entire time Murphy was trying to play with the yarn in my lap, and I was constantly pushing him off the couch. When it was done, I couldn't wait to dangle it in front of the kitties and have a new toy for us to play with. I imagined them jumping up and batting at it, and watching mesmerized as it dangled back and forth.
But here's what really happened:
10:15: Dangle toy, cats look interested and bat and jump at it.

10:16: Baxter grabs toy for himself and parades around the apartment in circles for two minutes, Murphy diligently following him.

10:18: Baxter abandons toy, Murphy sniffs it.

10:19: Both cats get bored and go to sleep.
So a whole four minutes of fun this was. Oh well. I still think it's cute. So there.
Oh, yes. It started small--I found a pattern online for knit mice filled with catnip.

While this little critter might not look too impressive, it's a true hit in this household. I've even given them as gifts for friends with cats, and every cat so far has loved his very own knit mouse.
So it was that tonight I found myself flipping through another knitting book, and discovering a pattern for a dangly, fringy cat toy. Now, anyone who doesn't knit may not realize how time-consuming and patience-requiring this craft really is. I remember one of the first things my knitting book taught me was never to knit anything for people who don't knit themselves, because they'll never understand how much work you put into it. I don't know that I agree with that theory completely, but the kitties definitely prove this to be true.
Between the initial knitting, sewing in the ends, teaching myself how to create fringe, making the fringe, and creating the dangly cord, this project took about two hours to construct.

Of course the entire time Murphy was trying to play with the yarn in my lap, and I was constantly pushing him off the couch. When it was done, I couldn't wait to dangle it in front of the kitties and have a new toy for us to play with. I imagined them jumping up and batting at it, and watching mesmerized as it dangled back and forth.
But here's what really happened:
10:15: Dangle toy, cats look interested and bat and jump at it.

10:16: Baxter grabs toy for himself and parades around the apartment in circles for two minutes, Murphy diligently following him.

10:18: Baxter abandons toy, Murphy sniffs it.

10:19: Both cats get bored and go to sleep.
So a whole four minutes of fun this was. Oh well. I still think it's cute. So there.
At 11:55 PM,
pseudostoops said…
Yeah, but even with all that work a fringed cat toy is still faster than a scarf.
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