Baxter Blog (and Murphy, too!)

A blog about my cats, Baxter and Murphy, or anything else I feel like discussing.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Smart vs. Stoopid

You'd think that all cats would have a similar intelligence level--from a human's perspective, at least. But looking at Baxter and Murphy, it's clear that one of them is a little (evil) kitty genius, while the other could benefit from kitty special ed. I love them both, but the difference in their intelligence is astounding.

Examples of Murphy's (endearing) stupidity:
-Sometimes goes charging across the apartment, aiming for the windowsill, only to miss and slide down the wall.
-Frequently chases his own tail, spinning round and round in circles until he gets dizzy.
-Loves to lick my bathroom sink (ew).
-Tries to talk to pigeons (Really. He has a special voice he uses in an attempt to communicate with them through the window.)
-Eats the fringe off my chenille blanket. Yes, I said eats, not chews.

Clearly Murphy is not the smartest of kitties. He's cute, just really really dumb--in a lovable sort of way, of course.

On the other hand, I'm convinced that Baxter is some sort of kitty genius. Whether it's a glimmer of understanding in his eye, or a determination in his stride, it's clear that this kitty knows what's going on and the wheels are constantly turning in his head. I'm pretty sure his ultimate plan is to take over the world.

Examples of Baxter's genius:
-Learned to use tools: After watching me use one of his dangly toys-on-a-stick to fish out a toy under the fridge, I witnessed Baxter trying the same method.
-Enforces the rules (when he's not breaking them): When Murphy's misbehaving but is out of sight, Baxter will position himself where I can see him and glare at Murphy, letting me know his brother is up to no good.
-Anticipates loud noises: Rather than running away startled when I turn on the vacuum, Baxter calmly saunters into the bathtub to hide when he sees me getting it ready.
-Knows how to manipulate me: No matter how bad he's been, Baxter knows that if I'm in the kitchen standing near the snack cabinet and he acts affectionate and cute, he'll get a treat.
-Keeps to himself: While Murphy is my snuggle buddy, Baxter loves to sit alone by the window, most often with an expression on his face that says, "Just give me time and I will rule the world. Mwaah ha ha."

So don't say I didn't warn you. Baxter's coming.


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