Baxter Blog (and Murphy, too!)

A blog about my cats, Baxter and Murphy, or anything else I feel like discussing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Interactive Quiz Time!

Last night, while procrastinating writing an essay that's due in class tonight (guess I'm writing it at work today...) I came across a list called, "100 Things About Me." I wrote this list a couple years ago, after my friend Kelli saw something similar on a blog and suggested we try it. (I was clearly procrastinating that day also, since I distinctly remember writing this at work, see a trend here??) As I read the list late last night, I realized that while most of the items are distinctly ME--that is, I don't expect them to ever change--a few are simply not true anymore. And so, dear readers, let's play a little game of True or False. All these were true a few years ago, but some aren't any longer. Take a guess, I dare you. And then write your own list, because it's fun, a great way to procrastinate, and fascinating if you forget about it for several years.

1. I clean to Motown
2. I have a weakness for stuffed animals, and prefer them to the real thing
3. I am extremely competitive when playing board games
4. I like cheese more than chocolate
5. My favorite quote is from Anne of Green Gables: "Would you want to marry a wicked man?" "Well, I wouldn't marry anyone who was truly wicked. But I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't." To me, this describes the ideal man.
6. I had an overactive imagination as a child--I befriended the imaginary wolf under my bed and he protected me at night from the imaginary gunman in the closet
7. I think I could make a good lawyer, but the thought of taking the LSAT and going to law school are too daunting.
8. I make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world, but I can't cook anything else


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