Baxter Blog (and Murphy, too!)

A blog about my cats, Baxter and Murphy, or anything else I feel like discussing.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Cat bed!!

Yesterday I finally finished knitting my cats a cat bed, and they love it!! It took Baxter a minute to get used to it, but once he was in, he slept there for about four hours (which is long for him to be in one spot--he's a fidgeter). Overnight, first Baxter slept in the bed, then both kitties slept in it together (which totally would have been photo-worthy were I not half asleep and groggy when I saw them) and then Murphy finished out the night in the bed alone. I'm going to give it a week or so and see if they fight over it or if they can peacefully share it. Making another would be a pain, although how often does one have the opportunity to use yarn called "fun fur?"

Enjoy the photos!