The short answer is: around.
The longer answer is: school, work, more school, more work, tutoring, sleeping, more work, getting annoyed with my job, homework, even more work, watching tv, more work, and even more work.
Ok, I don't really work that much. But with my NewCrazySchedule it certainly FEELS that way. I used to think I liked being busy but now I'm not so sure. Meanwhile, I don't know if it's out of protest of my never being home or what, but the kitties have decided that they prefer their water in the middle of the kitchen, and in order to move it there, it spills everywhere. So whenever I come home, I have to clean the kitchen floor. I'm going to blame Murphy for this, because a certain look in his eye indicated he was responsible. If it continues, I may have to post a memo of complaint to him.
Baxter, on the other hand, has truly turned a corner lately. He's been affectionate, cute, sweet, and slightly less destructive towards my furniture. He also had his first visit to the vet this week, and was pronounced in good health, with "beautiful skin and markings" and was the "perfect weight." I'm so proud of my little firstborn. (Though the vet also said, upon taking a first look at him, "He looks mischievous." Oh, if only he knew.)
And as for me: I have a sprained ankle. Or something. I tripped yesterday on the uneven sidewalk and went down. Now I'm limping all around and really can't walk down stairs, which makes the Subway really
really annoying. Turns out New York City is not the greatest of places to be when you're injured.
So in light of this kinda down post, enjoy these amusing (at least to me) pics of the boys.
Baxter has decided he likes napping on the floor, inside my sweatshirt.

While Murphy prefers to sleep surrounded by towels.

But they both enjoy hanging out in my closet--especially when there's a nearly empty shelf that they think is just for them!